Tag: SysAdmin

  • Tiny Tiny RSS: Building my own RSS Reader

    I finally setup my TinyTinyRSS server following the guidelines on LifeHacker outlined in this article.  The original plan, when Google Reader shut down, was to have my own RSS server and not be beholden to someone disappearing. Next on the list is to find a bookmarking tool that wouldn’t go away. While I have the…

  • Installing WiFi with Fedora 24 on HP ProBook 6570b

    I have a HP ProBook 6570b as my work machine and while installing Cinnamon and Fedora 24 I found myself challenged to get WiFi working with the Broadcom WiFi adapter. How did I solve it?  Well, there were two likely methods that really are the same method, installing the WiFi drivers from the HP Support…

  • Upgrading to Fedora 24

    Fedora 24 is official. I decided to jump in on my production server as I had just risked everything taking care of the Ants.  Seriously, my Cisco, Server, and Printer/Scanner were infested in their temporary location.  They have never been so clean. I was going to go straight to FedUp like I had in the…

  • How to convert an entire MySQL database character set and collation to UTF-8?

    I found myself in need of upgrading a number of older wordpress sites to change from the old latin1_swedish_ci to UTF-8, both the character set and collation.  I utilized a command line SQL prompt to accomplish this.  Modify the appropriate parameters “test” for your database, and “yourpasswordhere” with your password, ymmv, and have fun. I am…

  • Moodle “version 5.5.31 is required and you are running”

    I received this error message upgrading an older Moodle installation this weekend to Fedora 21 and Moodle 2.8.2+. Information on the forums on moodle.org was less than gratifying with little or no work done to explain an answer, merely pontificate about this or that, or my favorite, ask for more information. Many folks posted less helpful…