Category: Hack

  • Learning & Firefox

    Out of all the places I write, this is the easiest blog. I keep it focused on technical information that I have derived / learned and it operates as kind of a set of notes for me to look back into the stuff that I do. As time has gone by, I have done less…

  • On The Bench: Google AIY Voice & Raspberry Pi

    Setup my recently arrived Google AIY/Voice Project and am busy going about customizing the interface.  Short a MicroSD card but Amazon will fix that soon enough. Note:  Enjoying the Linux nature of Raspberry Pi as well as all the Python tools and use.  Clearly a Confluence Project.

  • AIY Projects: Do-it-yourself AI for Makers

    From Google Developers Blog  Fully assembled Voice Kit. 

  • Recreate the Hack from Sneakers From If simply popping into the command line isn’t enough to make you feel like a ‘90s hacker, GitHub user bartobri created a silly decrypting text effect pulledfrom the movie Sneakers. Once you install the tools, you can manually run any command you want through the decryption effect. You can also just type…

  • Open MailTo Links from Twitter in Gmail

    Step 1: Open your Gmail account. First, go to Gmail. After it loads, you’ll see this icon called the “Protocol Handler” in the browser address bar.   Step 2: Click “Allow” in the window that pops up. Now click the “Protocol Handler” and a window will pop up. When it does, clickAllow, then Done.