One of the biggest issues facing someone who has obtained some degree of expertise is maintaining an awareness of tips and tricks that are current. Practice them whenever you find a list, see what you think, and learn the intricacies of how they work. One recent list from the great folks at was 15 Great Ubuntu Tips for Linux Power Users .
I thought I would illustrate a quick check down the features to pick up a few things. Don’t worry about trying everything on the list, or remembering each, that is a trip for beginner. Bookmark the article, try the items you know have been nagging at you recently, and learn one thing you can put into practice frequently to increase your effectiveness. What did I try?…
- Ctrl-a, oh, I love this one. Ctrl-e, nope I don’t use this one much at all so I have begun integrating it into my daily routine as I frequently jump around. And I used to know most of these, but recently, they have simply been replaced in my memory with other items (at least that is what I tell myself).
- I usually use KDE so I use the ALT-F2 shortcut there, I love Launchy on a Windows box, but on Linux, Gnome-Do and I haven’t gotten attached.
- This paid for the time to read the article. I had forgotten about this entirely and after a recent upgrade, recent apps no longer started and I was too lazy to look it up.
- Always do this.
- APTonCD, why do I forget to use this important package routinely.
- Too lazy to try this one today.
- Open System > Administration > Software Sources. Navigate to the Third Party Software Tab and add the following to your software sources:
deb jaunty main
deb-src jaunty main
sudo apt-key adv –recv-keys –keyserver 0cf459b8df37ed8b
CHECK! - I really do ponder this one and so I skipped it.
- WINE, already do this
- Profiling, well, after @petebikes told me about this, I have kept these uptodate.
- Again @petebikes got me back to using KDE, although I used minimalist window managers for headless work.
- I will have to setup XBMC on a box, but it is beyond the idea of a 10 min brushup of tools for today.
- I use Xmarks and will have to test Weave out. I regret they don’t do extensions.
- Nautilus?
- Compiling your own kernel is a necessary part of using any odd hardware and something every Geek should know and do. Regularly on a machine? Hmmm. Ubuntu user?
- Well, this is certainly fun, but like customizing my background, if I can’t do it with a switcher, than I simply don’t make time for visuals anymore.
And there you have it, a quick check of tips, some new ones learned, one thing put down to read later on Instapaper, a bookmark for an article, and a couple of reminders of things that are slipping.
Practice people!