Tag: 2014
LifehackerU: A list of great courses for summer
Your education doesn’t have to stop once you leave school—freedom from the classroom just means you have more control over what you learn and when you learn it. We’ve put together a curriculum of some of the best free online classes available on the web this fall for our latest term of Lifehacker U, our…
How Virtual Private Networks Work
Original Article was on Lifehack These days there’s a lot of talk about Virtual Private Networks, or VPNs for short, and for good reason. As online privacy becomes an increasingly hot topic of discussion among politicians and activists, individuals have started to take online privacy into their own hands. While you may not have as…
Mashable and Lynda.com Suggest The Top Programming Languages to Learn in 2014
Why put this article in? On my list for 2014 is completing a language learning course, even in a language I already know. Time to get through a course to refresh myself or try something new. I may not have a chance to learn one of these, based on my requirements for the year, but…