Linux Music Workflow



Create Digital Music » Linux Music Workflow: Switching from Mac OS X to Ubuntu with Kim Cascone

What they have to say:

Here’s a switcher story of a different color: from the Mac, to Linux. It’s one thing to talk about operating systems and free software in theory, or to hear from died-in-the-wool advocates of their platform of choice. In this case, we turn to Kim Cascone, an experienced and gifted musician and composer with an impressive resume of releases and a rich sens of sound. This isn’t someone advocating any platform over another: it’s an on-the-ground, in-the-trenches, real-world example of how Kim made this set of tools work in his music, in the studio and on tour. A particular thanks, as he’s given me some new ideas for how to work with Audacity and Baudline. Kim puts his current setup in the context of decades of computer work. Even if you’re not ready to leave Mac (or Windows) just yet, Kim’s workflow here could help if you’re looking to make a Linux netbook or laptop more productive in your existing rig.

From this editor:

This is an excellent read for both applications, workflow and overall perspective of why an expert might choose to change.  I am not saying I believe that this year or next year or last year is “the year of the Linux Desktop”.  I do believe that for some people, this set of tools is the choice that will enable them to become something special.  Otherwise, why use any platform at all?