Tag: VPN
That One Privacy Site
This is a solid site and well referenced on the Internet for those looking for information on VPNs. From the author of That One Privacy Site: There are some other good resources that cover privacy based topics quite well, but when I started down the path of retaking my own privacy, there was very little…
How Virtual Private Networks Work
Original Article was on Lifehack These days there’s a lot of talk about Virtual Private Networks, or VPNs for short, and for good reason. As online privacy becomes an increasingly hot topic of discussion among politicians and activists, individuals have started to take online privacy into their own hands. While you may not have as…
VPN Testing
Based on the Lifehacker article, partially reprinted below, I am going to start testing VPN access using Private Internet Access to see what I can get setup with my routers and configuration. Private Internet Access Private Internet Access is one of our favorite VPN service providers, and based on the number of nominations they picked…